
A Dancer’s Code of Conduct: Being the Best Dancer You Can Be

Be the Best Dancer You Can Be

Photo by Geek With a Lens.

  • Have amazing work ethic- Your teachers expect you to learn, apply and maintain your corrections.  This could mean: working on your own, practicing at home, doing a step 100 times until you get it and keeping a notebook with corrections in it and reviewing it before each class.  Do the correction you are given right away to demonstrate understanding without being asked to do so.  Do the combination full out with the teacher when he or she is giving it.   Never mark.  Finish each combination well, either dancing all the way off the floor or finishing in a nice fifth with both hands off the barre.  Give 100% effort in your classes at all times.


  • Concentrate- Pay attention to everyone’s corrections and apply them to yourself.  Courteously ask only intelligent, thought-provoking questions.  Stay on topic with your comments and questions.   Totally focus on the task at hand and never let yourself be distracted by others.


  • Be Respectful to Faculty- Be prepared for class and be on time. Students should be at least 15 minutes early.  If you are late due to unforeseen circumstances, you should ask the teacher’s permission to enter the room.  Greet your teacher or staff as you enter the building or classroom.  Raise your hand.  Address the teacher by name and then ask your question.  Absolutely no talking in class.  No yawning.  Say please. Thank the teacher for his or her correction.  Do not chew gum. No asking when class is over.  No leaning on the barre.  No putting your hands on your hips or crossing your arms.  No sitting down in class.  Go to the bathroom before class begins.   Never openly criticize or question your teacher. Sarcasm and disrespectful behavior of any kind have no place in the classroom. Thank your teacher after classes individually. A hand written thank you note at the end of the year is appropriate.

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Parent Observation Dos and Don’ts

So the South Dayton School of Dance, the studio I co-own with my amazing business partners, is opening up our classrooms for parent observation next week.  This can be a great opportunity for our dancers to show off all they have accomplished and learned.  Here are some helpful hints to make this a positive experience for you as a parent, your dancer and the faculty.

  1. Do be respectful of other visitors in the classroom as well as the teacher and your dancer.  Please turn off all cellphones and refrain from talking during the class.  Also, give the class your full attention and abstain from texting, reading or doing work during the observation period.
  2. Don’t watch only your dancer. It is easy to get caught up watching your child, but it is important to get a good understanding of where your child is in relation to the rest of the class. 
  3. Don’t just watch your dancer’s technical ability, but look at their behavior in class as well.  Do they listen, follow instruction and apply the corrections given not just them, but the corrections given to others?  Do they keep their eye on the teacher?  Do they hang on the barre when the teacher’s back is turned?  Do they stare out the window?
  4. Don’t bring very young children to observation week.  Remember that a dance class is like any other classroom; it is a learning environment and it only works when there are little to no distractions. 
  5. Do congratulate your dancer on their hard work, improvement and dedication.  Enjoy all their accomplishments and applaud at the end of class. 

I look forward to seeing you!